Our Services


We are a team of continuous improvement experts offering:

Support for your team to focus on and ensure continuous improvement

Training for fun team building, lean learning, and improvement practice

Apps for continuous improvement standards and customizable solutions

Analytics to see the impact of improvements and help solve problems

Kaizen events, blitzes, and initiatives to collaborate on improvement ideas

What is keeping you from making consistent and sustainable improvements?


How much of the day-to-day demands are taking you and your team away from making improvements? Don’t wait until it’s too late thinking there will be a better time to make improvements. Leverage the week-to-week flexibility of the LeanGo team to stay focused and ensure the progress you want.

Don’t let your continuous improvement manager carry it all on their own. Continuous improvement is everyone’s job. Our team of experts covers all the bases and works together with your team both remote and on-site to coordinate the best comprehensive solutions for your problems, processes, people, systems, situations, goals, and initiatives.

It takes a village. Gain and keep momentum using LeanGo as a catalyst to guarantee continuous improvement.


How well are your teams and leaders trained to improve growth initiatives, development efforts, customer dissatisfaction, process wastes, frustrations, quality problems, and excessive costs? Don’t miss out on untapped creativity. Each team member knows the problems they deal with better than anyone else. All they need is the knowledge of best practices to solve them and make improvements.

LeanGo lean training has fun and interactive classroom experiences to add new ideas and practice working together on improvements. Ideas are shaped into action after the class for real-world changes and results.

Work smarter not harder. Build value by teaching your team, refreshing knowledge, and creating life-long learners. Continuous improvement learning extends beyond business and impacts lives personally.


How are you leveraging the latest affordable and customizable applications in your continuous improvement efforts? Don’t waste time or money on expensive off-the-shelf solutions that are difficult to change. We’ve already done the work for you to hit the ground running.

Using Microsoft PowerApps, we can set up and teach you any combination of already developed lean apps. Customize as you go or easily develop an app with your team of champions and users.

People take ownership of what they create. Centralizing and customizing workflows, data collection, reporting, and more makes it easy for everyone to improve with transparency, speed, and consistency.


How are you seeing the impact of problems and tradeoff decisions being made by you and your team every day? Don’t wait for weekly updates or monthly meetings. Access the information now in real-time.

LeanGo can co-create PowerBI solutions for everyone to see the information they need when they need it. Connect with multiple data sources to refresh live from your systems and applications. Identify critical problem areas. Drill-down to details for validation. Predict outcomes. And see the impact of your improvements.

Knowing is half the battle. When you know then you can take action. The more frequently you measure the sooner you can take action on important improvements.


How successfully are you making proactive improvements to stay ahead of the competition? Don’t let reactive priorities get in the way of strategic advancement. Kaizen means break it down and improve it. LeanGo one-day kaizen blitzes and week-long kaizen events are certain to accelerate the needed improvements ahead of schedule.

LeanGo acts as your kaizen facilitator to gain all insights with the team and identify pain points, wastes, issues, problems, and ideas for improvement.

Just because it’s simple doesn’t make it easy. Everybody likes positive change until it affects them personally. When we agree on the problem first and align on the ideas to try together, then we gain speed and sustainability.

Next Steps

Our dedicated team is ready to answer your questions, provide detailed information, and guide you through our offerings. Whether you have inquiries about our services, careers, or anything else, we're just a click away.

Reach out to us today and discover how we can assist you in achieving your goals.